We often have travelers ask us when it is the best time to travel to Iceland. The answer to that question is multifaceted, depending on what it is that people want to experience on their trip around Iceland. For example, some tourists are interested in coming to Iceland and seeing the northern lights, while others want to stay up all night and enjoy the midnight sun. Some people are interested in experiencing snow and winter adventures, and then some want nothing more than to drive the ring road and experience the country in its green glow.
Whatever the goal, it is true to say that Iceland has a lot to offer all year round.
Let’s dive into some major themes and discuss the best time to visit with those themes in mind.
When is the best time to travel to Iceland to see the northern lights?
The best time to see the northern lights is usually from October until March when there are full nights necessary for the northern lights to be visible. While there are no guarantees that you will see the Northern lights, one could be treated to a fantastic light show through the entire season. December, January & February tend to be the peak times to see the northern lights due to the dark nights during these months. However, it should be noted that during those months, the weather can be pretty unpredictable, so don’t get your hopes too high. It also should be emphasized that the length of your stay is arguably the most important factor, simply because statistically, the longer you stay, the more likely you are to see the northern lights.
For northern lights forecasts, please visit the Icelandic Met Office

When is the best time to travel to Iceland to experience the midnight sun?
Іn Ісеlаnd thе Міdnіght sun іs vіsіblе stаrtіng іn lаtе Мау аnd lаstіng thrоugh Јulу. Durіng thе summеr sоlstісе, аrоund Јunе 21st, thе sun іs vіsіblе fоr аlmоst 24 hоurs іn Rеуkјаvіk wіth thе sun sеttіng јust аftеr mіdnіght аnd rіsіng аgаіn bеfоrе three аm.
Тhе Міdnіght sun саn аlsо bе dеsсrіbе аs thе dау thаt nеvеr еnds, whеrе thе sunsеt аnd sunrіsе соmе tоgеthеr tо сrеаtе оnе bеаutіfullу соlоrеd skу.

When is the best time to visit the Blue Lagoon?
The Blue Lagoon is open all year round. However, during the peak season, the Blue Lagoon is often overcrowded, and you will have to book your pass well in advance. And although it is pretty lovely to soak in the lagoon during the summer, it is, in our opinion, equally attractive to experience the lagoon during cold winter days. You might even catch the northern lights while you’re at it. So if you want to skip the lines and the crowds, the best time to visit Iceland is during wintertime if you are solely focusing on visiting the Blue Lagoon and catching the northern lights.

When is the best time to visit to drive the ring road in Iceland?
Throughout the summer, road conditions are excellent, and the months of May, June, July, August, and September, therefore, are the best for driving the ring road in Iceland. Driving the ring road is a dream for most people who come to Iceland, as you can see all the major attractions that Iceland has to offer along the way. In the south, you will be able to explore waterfalls, black sand beaches, glacier lagoons, canyons, glaciers, and extraordinary nature. You will stand on volcanoes in the north, see beautiful lakes, canyons and birdlife, mountain ranges, waterfalls, and much more. If you are heading to Iceland in summer for a week or longer, we surely advise you to consider driving the ring road and catching all the beauty.
If you prefer to drive the ring road in wintertime, make sure you have the necessary gear. You should have a 4×4 car with studded tires, and it might be good idea to catch up on driving in Iceland in winter. And note that some of the significant attractions might be inaccessible on some days, roads might get closed down, etc.