Are you traveling to Iceland in June? Find out all the information needed for your upcoming trip.
As soon as summer gets a firm grip on Iceland, usually in early June, you’ll see the locals out and about, enjoying the weather after a long and cold winter, barbecuing in the parks or at their houses, enjoying garden work, chating with the neighbours and generally just being happy. And as the weather gets warmer and warmer, so does the people.
Temperatures in June in Iceland
The month of June is described by steadily ascending day by day high temperatures – some would even say warm days! With respect to the average temperatures, you can anticipate that the normal low should be roughly 5.5 degrees Celsius (42 F) and the normal high temperatures to be 12.8 degrees Celsius (55 F). Mind you, these are just average temperatures meaning that it could get warmer during your stay, or even colder. Good to keep in mind while visiting Iceland in June.
Precipitation in June in Iceland
The average rainfall in Reykjavik is approximately 45 mm (1.8 inches) in June, generally the lowest of the year. This precipitation will generally come as light rain with almost no chance of snow, unless you are high up in the mountains.
For more information on the weather in Iceland in June, please visit the Icelandic Met Office
Daylight and the midnigt sun
Тhе dауs аrе lоng durіng thе month of June. Тhіs іs duе tо Ісеlаnd’s рrохіmіtу tо thе Аrсtіс Сіrсlе; іn асtuаl fасt, thе Аrсtіс Сіrсlе dоеs сrоss оvеr Ісеlаnd, јust, іnсоrроrаtіng Grímsеу іslаnd аt thе nоrthеrnmоst tір оf Ісеlаnd. Sunrise on June 1st in Iceland is at 3:26 AM and sunset is at 11:26 PM; that’s 20 hours of daylight folks! By the end of June the length of day increases to almost 21 hours. Durіng thе summеr sоlstісе, аrоund Јunе 21st, thе sun іs vіsіblе fоr аlmоst 24 hоurs іn Rеуkјаvіk wіth thе sun sеttіng јust аftеr mіdnіght аnd rіsіng аgаіn bеfоrе 3 аm. Тhе Міdnіght sun саn bе dеsсrіbеd аs thе dау thаt nеvеr еnds, whеrе thе sunsеt аnd sunrіsе соmе tоgеthеr tо сrеаtе оnе bеаutіfullу соlоrеd skу
The outdoors
The month of June is also prime time for hiking, cycling, and camping. Most of the snow in the mountains has melted away, and lots of people spend their leisure time in June out in the nature. Outdoor recreation is a major part of Iceland‘s national identity and can be widely seen during the months of June, July and August.
What to bring to Iceland in June
The most obvious item to bring to Iceland is warm clothing, even in summer. A warm day can turn into a cool one, in many ways, so bring a sweater and a wind and waterproof jacket. Icelanders often use all-weather jackets, handy both in summer and winter. Bring good shoes too, especially if you plan to hike in the mountains or on glaciers. But don‘t forget your summer clothing as well as the weather can easily change for the better, so pack your t-shirts, summer dresses and sun-screens are vital.
What to do in Iceland in June
Midnight Sun
With the midnight sun at its peak, it can be great time for photographers to go out and about and capture beautiful images.